Contract Information
- Contract Number:47QTCA19D00CV
- Period of Performance: 05/30/2019 and ends 05/29/2024 (not including the option period)
- Contractor DUNS Number:884469024
TRISTAR location on the GSA Website:
Contract Description:
GSA schedule is a long-term governmentwide contract offering a comprehensive array of state-of-the-art IT products, services, and solutions to federal, state and local customer agencies. The efficiencies associated with purchasing information technology via the pre-existing, pre-competed GSA IT Schedule 70 save both time and money for government customers. Available offerings under the consolidated Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) are organized by category, subcategory and Special Item Number (SIN). Supplies and services can be ordered directly from our TRISTAR GSA Schedule or through GSA eTools, including GSA Advantage!® and GSA eBuy.
TRISTAR contract currently covers SIN 54151S (Information Technology Professional Services) under the Federal Supply Schedule 70 – General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services. We offer a comprehensive array of state-of-the-art IT services and solutions to federal, state, and local agencies.
TRISTAR has successfully transitioned from the former IT 70 GSA schedule contract to the MAS as of August 2020.
Point of Contact:
1215 Volvo Parkway, Suite 202
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Phone: 812.325.1488
TRISTAR Business Development
Ms. Christina M. Agresti
Phone: 812.325.1488
TRISTAR Contract Administrator
Ms. Lindsay Ireland
Phone: 812.675.4985