TRISTAR Price List

  • TRISTAR price proposal with ceiling labor rates (posted on the eFAST website)

Contract Information

  • Contract Number: 693KA9-22-A-00079
  • Period of Performance:  Base Period: 3/2/2022 – 9/30/2024 (not including the option period)
  • Contractor DUNS Number: 884469024

The Electronic Federal Aviation Administration Accelerated and Simplified Tasks Master Ordering Agreement (eFAST MOA) contract is available for use by the FAA by all federal government agencies. This MOA functions as a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to provide a broad range of technical, professional and support services.

The eFAST program is the FAA’s preferred small business contracting vehicle for services. This vehicle allows long term procurements for a broad array of professional and support services in an expedited, efficient, and effective manner, to better serve the requirements of the FAA, and on a limited basis and when in the best interest of the Government, all other federal government agencies.

Contract Description:

Individual contracts or task orders have no ceiling limits.

The scope of work includes the following:

  1. Major systems support
  2. Technical, engineering, and scientific expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports in areas such as IT, system engineering, risk analysis and management; cost estimating; human factors engineering; information security; testing and operational evaluation, logistics support analysis; technical writing; and expertise and analysis on the effectiveness, efficiency, or economy of technical operations of equipment, systems, services, or procedures.
  3. Other professional services of an architectural or engineering nature, and incidental services.
  4. Advisory and assistance services to support or improve agency policy development, decision-making, management, and administration, or to support or improve the operation of managerial or hardware systems
  5. Professional, management, and administrative expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports.

Point of Contact:


1215 Volvo Parkway, Suite 202
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Phone: 812.325.1488

TRISTAR Business Development

Ms. Christina M. Agresti

Phone: 812.325.1488

TRISTAR Contract Administrator

Ms. Lindsay Ireland

Phone: 812.675.4985